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Entries by Elizabeth Rose

Saturn Rules Capricorn – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Saturn rules Capricorn According to Roman Mythology Saturn was the father of Jupiter, who was king of the gods. Those who have Saturn in Capricorn have a great love of power and have the tendency to dominate others. They must learn to control it and learn about humility and use it in a good way […]

Focus on the Sun – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

The Sun is a star and is in the centre of the Solar System. Helios is the Greek name of the Sun. The Planet Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign of Leo and those that are born under the sign benefit greatly. They tend to take control of situations and are excellent managers. […]

Focus on the Moon – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

THE MOON The Moon or Luna as it was known in Mythological times is the ruling planet of Cancer. The Moon is actually classed as a satellite of the Earth and not a planet and it is the Earths lone natural satellite. The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in our solar system. 239,000 miles […]

Focus on Mercury – by Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

Mercury Mercury is the ruling planet for Gemini. It is named by the Roman deity Mercury which means the messenger of the gods. It is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. It takes 87.97 days to orbit around the sun which is the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System. […]

Focus on Venus – By Elizabeth Rose PIN 7430

The Planet Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love, probably because it shines so much and stands out in the night sky. It is the only Planet that is named after a female. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the second brightest in the sky after the Moon. It […]