Tap For Available Readers

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Do make yourself available for social outings this week, Aquarius. Though you don’t feel in the mood it will be just the thing to get you out of a slump, and a potential way to meet a new partner. Maintain focus at work despite office politics, it’s best to not get involved this time. Check your bank statement for an recurring expense that you don’t require any longer.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A meeting with a family member will go well, Aquarius. Old injustices will be forgotten and a new way to move forward found. Clarity will be brought into a new relationship and you will kick yourself for letting your mind run away with you. You will earn new respect in the workplace for tackling an issue head on.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
There’s something new afoot, Aquarius. Whether it be a new business, relationship or regime, this is the time to do it. The cards show that now is the perfect time to start working on something that will enrich your life. A short break will do you the world of good, reach out to a friend that will jump at the chance for a chance to spend some quality time with you.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A matter related to a property needs attention, Aquarius. Whether buying, selling or updating you need to ensure you are one step ahead of the game. Thinking that things will sort themselves out with no input from you will result in upset. Keep yourself busy in the workplace, don’t shy away from a task that you feel will be too difficult, you will excel at it and show them what you are made of.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
Strong family bonds are important, Aquarius. However, not all people are worthy or your time and emotion. Don’t put so much into an individual that will never appreciate it, you will feel defeated and depleted. Take back control and focus on those that give something back. Double check a banking matter before signing it off as it can’t or won’t be rectified afterwards.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
You may hit a temporary delay this week, Aquarius. Don’t panic or do anything to jeopardise what you are trying to achieve. Wait it out and all will be fine. Your attention to detail in the workplace will be noticed and it may put you in line for a promotion. A little patience with a younger family member is needed, they need time to work things out on their own.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
This week is all about connections, Aquarius. An old colleague is trying to find you to bring you into a new opportunity. A friend will need your time and a loved one will put you on the right path regarding a financial matter. Single? Meeting the old fashioned way is still possible and you will encounter a future love interest during your working week.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
A misunderstanding with a loved one will be cleared this week and about time too! However, in the workplace another one will flourish that you need to squash immediately. Deal with it head on before it gets out of hand. Reach out to a young adult who is having a difficult time, your words of advice could change their outlook for the better.

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
This is the perfect time to begin weeding out people that drain your energy (and time!). Make boundaries and stick to them, you will thank yourself later. Success is yours for the taking in the workplace, a project or new implementation will be highly revered by your managers. Don’t feel that you have to keep up with the neighbours, grey isn’t for everyone, put your own style out there and be proud!

Jan 20th – Feb 18th
If you are looking to move or sell a property then this is time to do it, Aquarius. If you keep dithering then you won’t get anywhere, action is needed to get your plans moving. You may have to dig out some old paperwork and in the process find something of value, though a little unloved. You should definitely get this restored as the market is good right now and you could make quite a profit.