Tap For Available Readers

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will think about going on coach trip with a friend. The finances seem to be looking up which will be a bit of a relief. Someone who owes you money will start to pay it back much to your surprise. Singles will start to communicate with someone that they really like. There is a busy weekend ahead but some chores will have to be done before you can relax and chill out. You will think about someone that you have had a row with and wonder whether they want to make up.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be surprised to hear from someone that you have not seen for quite a while and they will want to meet up for a catch up. It seems that someone has a lot of gossip and cannot wait to fill you in, however do take it all with a pinch of salt!! You will feel that you need to change the inside of your home in some way and you will get a few quotes for what you had in mind. The finances are soon going to improve much to your relief.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be surprised to hear from someone that you have not seen for quite a while and they will want to meet up for a catch up. It seems that someone has a lot of gossip and cannot wait to fill you in, however do take it all with a pinch of salt!! You will feel that you need to change the inside of your home in some way and you will get a few quotes for what you had in mind. The finances are soon going to improve much to your relief.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
A chance to book a holiday next year to somewhere that you have always wanted to go to will crop up. Even though it will be a while away you will still be thrilled about it. You will think about having some kind of building work done in your home and you will get a price for it. You will be very pleased when a bit of extra cash comes rolling in. A good friend will upset you in some way and you will need a good talk with them to clear the air.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
Your partner will organise a nice surprise this weekend and as a result you will feel closer together emotionally. You will think about buying some kind of kit, may be to do with craft, or even something else that you are interested in, but you will be rather excited about it. You will think about buying some sports gear of some sort. You will look at your diet again and wonder where you can improve on it.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
New opportunities are coming work wise, so you will have choices to make soon, however there is no need to rush just think, things over carefully and you will be ok and make the right decision. The finances look good and in a few months time even better. Romance is in the air and a ring could be soon on the cards for those in loving relationships. A change of hairstyle will give you a bit of a lift and more confidence in yourself.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will have some good ideas with your work but it will take longer than you think to put them into action. You will think about buying an expensive gadget but discuss it with someone close to you before you take the plunge. You will consider taking a short break in another country; it will be on impulse and all of a rush if you do. However you will enjoy it if you go for it. You will think about inviting friends round to try out a new recipe.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will be a bit irritated with a partner who has let you down about doing something that they promised they would do. A bit of pressure will be necessary to get them going, may be they are a bit tired or stressed and just cannot be bothered. Good news where the finances are concerned and it seems that something is going to bring in some money on a regular basis. You will be quite shocked really, as it will be something that you thought would never bring much money in.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that someone fairly close to you is being a bit unreasonable, and you will point it out to them. A bit of unexpected cash is coming to you out of the blue. You will think about doing some different exercises at a gym with the help of a trainer. You will have an aim in mind and keep at it till you achieve it. A partner will give you the silent treatment and you will not have a clue why! Singles will have a fleeting affair when on a holiday break.

Sep 23rd – Oct 22nd
You will feel that someone is trying to rip you off in a financial way and you will ask them, in a direct way to explain themselves. You will think about spending some money on your garden to make it look more attractive. You will be especially interested in a seating area. You will decide to spend some money on some holiday clothes, but you will have to watch that impulse buying or you may regret it later. A partner will be rather affectionate this weekend and will buy you a little present.