Tap For Available Readers

Feb 19th – March 20th
For those in a relationship, bonds will strengthen this week. In turn, you will feel like you’ve moved onto a more intimate level and feel good about where you are heading as a couple. Single? This is the perfect time to do something a little different in the dating world – look at speed dating or something similar that is not online based.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Worrying unnecessarily about something that may or may not happen is pointless, Pisces. Seeking advice from friends or colleagues is a good idea as you will see it from a different perspective which will allay your fears a little. Only complete acceptance will lead to unconditional love, work on talking to yourself in a loving way rather than being critical of yourself and your perceived flaws.

Feb 19th – March 20th
This week you will have a surge of excitement around a new start, Pisces. It could be that you are about to be promoted or embarking on a new love affair, either way it will be a great time for you. Your finances will improve and you can be optimistic about booking that long awaited holiday. Good times are ahead!

Feb 19th – March 20th
If you are looking at rejoining the dating arena then this week is the week to do it, Pisces. A match is waiting just for you, and you will realise who they are from the first moment you communicate. A blast from the past will arrive in your inbox and it would be sage to leave them there. Have a little flutter but don’t take it too seriously

Feb 19th – March 20th
Your focus will be on matters of the heart this week, Pisces. You may be feeling let down by a broken promise but you should know it was made with the best of intentions so don’t be too hard on them. It is the perfect to buy, renovate or sell a home so do some research on what you need to do to achieve your goal, then go for it! Don’t overthink it.

Feb 19th – March 20th
You are in need of rest and redirection, Pisces. Use this week to focus on yourself and do not take on extra responsibilities. This is your time and you need to protect it. Take stock of your life as it currently stands and don’t be afraid to backtrack if you are truly not happy with the direction it is going. It’s take a great deal of self reflection to admit that you were wrong and you will grow from this experience.

Feb 19th – March 20th
The emphasis this week should be on communication, Pisces. How on earth will people know what you want unless you tell them? Yes, it is difficult to open up and be vulnerable, however it is the only way to ensure there are no crossed wires. Emotionally, things will become clearer towards the end of the week and you will make a big decision.

Feb 19th – March 20th
It’s time to make a decision, Pisces. Flip-flopping is doing you no favours and is affecting your mindset. Make a final decision once and for all and you will feel the weight lift off of your shoulders. Arrange a get together of all of your closest friends. Be proactive in the workplace, don’t be shy in suggesting an alternative way of doing things.

Feb 19th – March 20th
This week is about partners, family and friends, Pisces. There is so much love around you and you enjoy lots of leisure time. However, this doesn’t alleviate the ache in your heart for someone special to share it all with and it won’t be long before a special someone enters your life for the very first time.

Feb 19th – March 20th
Don’t see rejection as the end. Your original plan didn’t work out as that isn’t the path you were destined to take, so don’t be too disappointed. Though you are a sensitive soul, Pisces, you are much more than that. You will get to show your true sense of character in the workplace and make jaws drop in astonishment. This will pave the way for advancement so don’t second guess yourself and go for it.