Tap For Available Readers

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Change your mindset to change your circumstances, Scorpio. You’ve been very down on yourself just recently and this is holding you back from reaching your full potential. Only you can change this. Continue to be patient with a loved one, they will reward your love and commitment ten fold. Don’t be fooled by the words of an ex, they are making it up as they go along!

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You need to muster up some courage, Scorpio. You know what you want and are reluctant to step up but you should do it now. You will be overjoyed that you did! You should offer to help a struggling colleague, it will make all the difference to them and a firm friendship will evolve. An offer of a night out shouldn’t be passed up.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
It’s all about priorities this week, Scorpio. You must examine where your time is going and whether or not it is serving a purpose. Self care is vital to be able to able to deliver your best and meditation could bring much needed restoration. Don’t be sucked in to other people’s demands, they will cope just fine without your input, though they won’t see it like that.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Avoid making a decision under pressure, Scorpio. You must take your time to read important documents and you should not be swayed into taking someone’s word for it. Look closely at your bank statement for a transaction that hasn’t been made – you know in your heart you need to remedy this oversight. You will perform well at work and your efforts will be appreciated.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Collaboration with colleagues will lead to success, Scorpio and you all receive equal credit. An elderly relative is needing assistance and is too proud to ask for help, reach out and offer to do tasks then they are struggling with, they will be so grateful. Make a to do list of things you want to achieve this year and start with the simplest one, once you have success at this you will be spurred on to do the tougher stuff!

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You may be stagnant at work, Scorpio. It is time to look elsewhere where your experience and knowledge will be welcomed and rewarded. Don’t make any impulse purchases this week, if you really want it wait a couple of week just to be sure. Ensure that you read a contract or legal letter fully and get advice on anything that you don’t understand. A relationship is set to improve after communicating your needs.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Reach out to a loved one this week, Scorpio. They are in need of your care and advice. Maybe pointing them in the direction of relevant resources is all they need. A misunderstanding in the workplace will be cleared up by the end of the week, don’t worry about it too much, some situations just need a little time to work themselves out. A little bet could prove lucrative.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Be patient with the process and you will achieve good things. Being in a hurry is of no benefit to you, time will pass anyway. A colleague may try to provoke you but just walk away and don’t respond, it simply isn’t worth the fall out that they want. New social connections are highly likely and within this eclectic mix a new partner awaits, who will meet your emotional needs more than you ever thought possible.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
You may feel like withdrawing this week, Scorpio but it isn’t the best thing for you. Ensure you eat well and get plenty of fresh air and you will start to feel more like your usual self. You may be worried about the health of a loved one and you should bring this up and talk to them openly and without judgement. Read any legal agreements fully and don’t sign anything you are unsure about.

Oct 23rd – Nov 21st
Now is the time to research getting the pet you’ve always wanted – be mindful of the costs and their needs before biting the bullet though to ensure you’re not overstretching your finances or time. A meeting at work will get you thinking about moving in a different direction career wise. You have all the luck this week so take a chance and reap the rewards!