Tap For Available Readers

June 21st – July 22nd
You need to take responsibility this week, Cancer. A task that you’ve been putting off must be actioned and only you can do it. Further delay will result in consequences. Don’t allow someone to come in the way of a friendship, they are out for themselves and want what you have for themselves. A flutter will likely result in a win.

June 21st – July 22nd
You will find yourself leading others this week, Cancer. You will be influential in the workplace and this is the time to put forward your ideas as they will be well received. A friend will need your support and though you’ve not been as close recently it would be churlish to refuse your help. Be patient in a matter of the heart.

June 21st – July 22nd
You may find yourself at a crossroads this week, Cancer. An important decision needs to be made regarding work and you shouldn’t be rushed into making a decision. Take your time. Plans regarding a new home will hit a snag but don’t give up hope. A strong attraction will hit you hard and you will need to muster up some courage to initiate conversation – go on, be brave!

June 21st – July 22nd
Try to keep enthusiasm in your work, Cancer. It’s been tough and demanding, however, your positive outlook and willingness to undertake tasks will be noticed and rewarded. A negative encounter with a loved one will be forgotten by the end of the week. Single? A friend of a friend seems to be the key, it’s just finding out which friend has the suitable suitor – what a task!

June 21st – July 22nd
A business goal is in sight, Cancer. It will be something to be proud of and your achievements won’t go unnoticed – well done! A relationship that is distant could benefit from a heart to heart – if not it could die out completely and you know you don’t want that. Be brave and speak up about your hopes and dreams. Don’t take a new change in your health journey too far – moderation is key.

June 21st – July 22nd
This week is all about positive changes, Cancer. There will be a shift in your relationship which has been desperately needed when the open up to you. Things aren’t as bad as they seem in the workplace when a new way of working is proposed, in fact you will welcome it after a period of readjustment. Enjoy an unplanned night out – it will do you the world of good so do make the effort to go.

June 21st – July 22nd
A touchy colleague needs to be dealt with sensitively, Cancer. You can make their day much better with encouragement rather than pointing out their failures. In turn, a bond will be formed which will only strengthen over time. Small changes will bring big results over time, if only you stick to it and give it a chance. Nothing good happens overnight! Single? A terrible date will turn into something more.

June 21st – July 22nd
Single? A pleasant surprise is on its way, and you will be thrilled to find out the identity of someone who harbours feelings for you. When it comes to being honest, no one is as diplomatic as you, you will tell the truth to a family member who will listen, at last. A new idea is beginning to grow and you should follow this up as it could turn into something very lucrative. Gather all the facts before making a financial decision.

June 21st – July 22nd
Matters of finance are showing great security, Cancer. With this in mind, you may want to upgrade your home and it looks like it is the right time to start making enquiries. Don’t take on a friends worries this week, there is only so much you can offer and they are being unreasonable in the amount of time and attention they want from you. Single? Public transport could hold the key to meeting your soulmate.

June 21st – July 22nd
So, what do you want to achieve this year, Cancer? Nothing is beyond your reach and to achieve the results you want you must put in the work. Initially, getting to grips with how to go about it will be difficult, however, it will be worth all of the hard work. Step back from a romantic relationship that isn’t fulfilling your emotional needs as this is unlikely to change. A device really does need to be seen by a specialist, you are unlikely to find the fix it needs yourself.