Tap For Available Readers

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Avoid a hasty reaction, Leo. Take time to listen and to think things through, the situation isn’t what it first seems. Explore an alternative DIY solution, look online for inspiration and you will be proud of the unique result, and others will be impressed, too. In the workplace, ensure you clarify a job that you’ve been given, don’t just guess at what is being asked of you.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Make sure you appreciate the good times, Leo. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, however, you’ve much to look forward to. It’s taken you a long time to get where you are and you should acknowledge the work you’ve done on yourself to get here. Stop comparing yourself to others and understand most people have their own insecurities, too.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
If someone keeps hurting you, Leo then consider walking away once and for all. You can’t be loyal to someone who takes your love and support for granted time and time again. New starters in the workplace will reap the benefits of your experience, offer help where you can. Socially, a new connection that you make this week could put you on a path of self improvement.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Be extra careful with money matters this week, Leo and think about putting a small amount away each month to cover the unexpected. Even small amounts add up over time. Stand up for yourself in the workplace, you’ve every right for your side of the story to be heard. A little bit of decluttering will start you down the path of a renovation project, how exciting!

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Being acutely honest with someone may not be the right thing at the moment, Leo. Offer your support and let them know you will always be there without damning their ideas. If you are looking to change your job this is a good week for you to get your CV out there, the perfect fit is just around the corner. A personal matter is weighing on your mind, be mindful to secure all of the facts before making a decision.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
There is so much you want out of this year, Leo. You need to prioritise what is more important to you as trying to make too many changes at once will lead to failure. Staggering your projects will lead to success. A chance to earn some extra money could turn into a regular income. Be mindful of how a younger family member is feeling, they really need some guidance and you are in prime position to help.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Just remember that you are your own person, and you should never apologise for this. You are unique and loved by many, so don’t pay attention to the small minded people who don’t understand you. Keeping up with the Jone’s is a fruitless task and you will help a friend to realise this. Be mindful of a colleague that isn’t finding it easy to fit in, a kind word goes a long way and won’t be forgotten.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Being part of a team can be rewarding, but also frustrating. You will notice someone is not pulling their weight and you aren’t the only one. Tongues are wagging and changes will be made. A delightful email will find it’s way to you and you will feel validated in your decision making around a love matter. Be careful with the spending, it is far too easy this time of year to throw caution to the wind.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
This may be a good time to reap the benefit of your investments to ensure your cash flow isn’t disrupted. Be polite in conversations with a work colleague as they could misinterpret and repeat your comments. A sibling or cousin really needs help and you are the perfect person to assist. Those in relationships with be happily surprised by their partner thinking outside of the box.

July 23rd – Aug 22nd
Be mindful of pressures that other people are putting you under and put boundaries in place to stop this happening again in the future. Career development is on the agenda and you could achieve this within your current company. An opportunity to pull in extra income will present itself to you.